
Products: Oil

The areas preserved by RomaNatura, both the largest ones near Grande Raccordo Anulare and those lying in the heart of the city, offer spectacular rural landscapes, a live evidence of the Roman Countryside. Characteristic sheep pastures, cereal fields, and "vegetable gardens" used both for the family requirements and the supply of the local markets. Out of almost 15,000 hectares covered by RomaNatura protected areas, about the 70% (10,000 ha) is represented by total agricultural area.
The characteristic products you find in the Capital are produced here: Rome is the first agricultural Municipality in Italy, a real "agricultural metropolis".

Found 2 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
Oro dei Cesari Oil
Oro dei Cesari oil is an excellent organic extra-virgin olive oil obtained from the monocultivar Favolosa within Marcigliana Nature Reserve (RomaNatura). With its perfume and taste, it recalls the features of its own territory, rich in very ancient volcanic...
Category: Oil
Quality Brands:
BIO - Organic Farming
Raro di Villa Extra-virgin Olive Oil
Raro di Villa extra-virgin olive oil, produced in Marcigliana Nature Reserve (RomaNatura), recalls with its fragrance the features of its own territory, rich in very ancient volcanic deposits and precious silts. Harmonious combination of Leccino, Frantoio,...
Category: Oil
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