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Books, DVDs, and Gadgets: Fauna

11 Items. Results from no. 1 to no. 11 (Sorting: Category > Item)


Item Author/s Publisher Category Price Online
 Atlante degli Uccelli nidificanti nel Parco Nazionale della Val Grande
Series: Documenta
Author/s: Fabio Casale, Cristina Movalli
Publisher: Parco Nazionale della Val Grande
(PN Val Grande)
Books and other Publications20.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of the Val Grande National Park
Series: Documenta
Author/s: Lorenzo Laddaga
Publisher: Parco Nazionale Val Grande
(PN Val Grande)
Books and other Publications10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Mammiferi in punta di piedi
Presenza e gestione degli ungulati del Parco Nazionale Val Grande
Series: Collana Studi
Author/s: AA.VV.
Publisher: Parco Nazionale Val Grande
(PN Val Grande)
Books and other Publications9.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Dove il Po diventa Grande Fiume
Journey across the plain of Po Cuneese Park
Author/s: Stefano Fenoglio
Publisher: Parco del Po Cuneese - Regione Piemonte
(PR Po Cuneese)
Books and other Publications10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Il ritorno della Lontra
Author/s: Mira Montanari, Gerolamo Boffino
Publisher: Parco piemontese del Ticino
(PR Ticino)
Books and other Publications10.33 €   
Libri La Gestione Faunistica
Series: La biblioteca del Parco
Author/s: Francesco Bassilina
Publisher: Fabbri editore
(PR Ticino)
Books and other Publications5.16 €   
Libri Gli uccelli
Series: La biblioteca del Parco
Author/s: Paolo Galeotti
Publisher: Fabbri editore
(PR Ticino)
Books and other Publications  
Libri I Mammiferi
Series: La biblioteca del Parco
Author/s: Paolo Galeotti
Publisher: Fabbri editore
(PR Ticino)
Books and other Publications  
Quaderni Handout 'La Fauna - notizie per osservarla e studiarla'
Author/s: AA.VV.
Publisher: Parco Piemontese del Ticino
(PR Ticino)
Books and other Publications  
 La Salamandra di Lanza. Salamandra lanzai
Biology, ecology, and conservation of an Amphibian exclusive of the Alps
Series: Le Scienze
Author/s: Franco Andreone, Paolo Eusebio Bergò, Vincenzo Mercurio
Publisher: Fusta Editore - Parco del Po Cuneese
(PR Po Cuneese)
Books and other Publications16.00 €  Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
 Brochure - La Salamandra di Lanza
Publisher: Parco del Po Cuneese
(PR Po Cuneese)
Brochures and BookletsfreeEmporio Shopping Cart

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