
Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini

Il Grande Anello dei Sibillini

Nine days on foot in the Park, to discover the nature, landscapes, and invaluable historical-cultural heritage of this territory

Going along Grande Anello dei Sibillini is an unforgettable experience. The itinerary, about 120 km long, includes the whole mountain chain and is divided into nine stretches. Step after step, we will cross extraordinary places where the landscape changes as if by magic. We will touch almost forgotten small villages, but also imposing sanctuaries or rural churches. We will often sight the eagle flying over your head or meet the eyes of some animals that, curious and concealed, observe our passage.  In the lap points there are mountain huts where you will find accommodation and have the opportunity to taste the extraordinary local products. Grande Anello dei Sibillini is described clockwise leaving from Visso, where the Park Offices are situated, but it can also be followed leaving from any other lap point, or you can also go along one single stretch for one or two days, to spend a wonderful weekend.
  • Publisher: Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini
  • Pages: 20
  • Size: 12x21cm
  • Year: 2006
  • Price: free

Notes: Coordination by Alfredo Fermanelli
Texts by Maria Laura Talamè, Alessandro Rossetti
Graphics by Gianfranco Maiorano
Printed by Aniballi Grafiche srl

You can require it for free if you purchase Calendario 2010 del Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini

Il Grande Anello dei Sibillini
Il Grande Anello dei Sibillini
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