
Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini

Marchio di Qualità - Classe Oro

The accommodation structures and catering facilities that have been awarded with the logo "Marchio di Qualità" (Quality Label) actively participate in a process aiming at improving the Park environmental quality. The logo is awarded if the structure complies with some requirements, which aim at guaranteeing:

  • a better environmental sustainability of the tourist activity
  • the enhancement of the local natural resources, culture, and products
  • information and sensitization activities addressed to the public and based on the principles of sustainable tourism.

According to the requirements the structure is complying with, it will be awarded with the Golden, Silver, or Bronze logo. However, independently from the category they belong to, the structures commit themselves to improve their services as far as environmental quality is concerned. For this reason, the operators, when receiving the logo, commit themselves to implement their improvement plan.

Further information

List of the operators, grouped according to the typology of activity:
Marchio di Qualità - Classe Oro
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